Friday, May 03, 2013

Is the theory of Indo-Aryan migration true or false?

Posted by Neha Biswas

It has been proven false by genetic studies
A study conducted by the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology in 2009 (in collaboration with Harvard Medical School, Harvard School of Public Health and the Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT) analyzed half a million genetic markers across the genomes of 132 individuals from 25 ethnic groups from 13 states in India across multiple caste groups.The study asserts, based on the impossibility of identifying any genetic indicators across caste lines, that castes in South Asia grew out of traditional tribal organizations during the formation of Indian society, and was not the product of any Aryan invasion and "subjugation" of Dravidian people.But till then also it is believed that the first people to migrate India during Paleolithic period are Indo-Aryans . Indo-Aryans are the white skinned people who came from Central Asia about 5,000 years ago.
They fought and pushed the native dark-skinned Dravidian s to the south,they also brought Dravidian society elements of Aryan culture like Brahminical orthodoxy and Sanskrit. This theory, called the Aryan Invasion Theory, is considered obsolete today by many scholars who consider it as a hypothetical construct promoted vigorously by the British, who are fair skinned, to justify their continued rule in India.Dravidian Nationalists trace the origin of all social evil in Tamil society today to the Aryan invasion event that occurred 5,000 years ago and much of their rhetoric contains hateful references to today's north Indians, who are supposedly the descendants of the Aryan invaders. Some believe such an attitude prevents Tamil society from looking inwards sometimes to recognize those sources of social evils that have an origin closer at home.
Beliefs about an ancient Kumari Kandam, which was the fountainhead of the Tamil people, culture and language, which sank in the Indian Ocean 10,000 years ago, remain completely unsubstantiated either by scientific geological and oceanographic data of the Indian Ocean or the current physiography of the Indian Ocean.
Others also believe that the entire Dravidian Nationalist movement is nothing but an attempt by political leaders to win votes by whipping up linguistic, regional and ethnic passions.
H. Eractus was the first early human species migrated from Africa and settled in the Indian subcontinent about 1.8 to 1.3 million years ago. And then migration happened but it was from India to the Europe. That's why South Asians and Europeans have same Caucasoid bones structure but differs ins kin colours due to exposure of the Sun as per the local climate.